All Signature collection (see list) will have a minimum of 30 days guarantee from date of purchase or date of delivery, whichever is later. Some Signature items listed below have an extended guarantee period.
All other items will have 10 days guarantee.
- Covers material or workmanship issues when used in intended conditions.
- Does not cover wear and tear, accidental damage, negligence, heat or water damage, colouration due to food items, scratches and others.
- Does not cover adhesives, wall-mounts or items that required assembly that has been incorrectly installed, assembled or used on the wrong surface.
- Does not cover items that has been maintained, cleaned or washed incorrectly as per our Care notes.
- Does not cover items that has been repaired or modified by unauthorised third-parties.
- Does not cover items marked as Display Clearance.
- ClearVacuum™ Bags for valve and zipper – 5 years
Our warranty covers electronic items such as electric pumps. Do check the respective product page for the exact warranty period. Most products are covered for 1 year.
- Covers material or workmanship issues when used in intended conditions.
- Does not cover wear and tear, battery degradation, accidental damage, negligence, heat or water damage, colouration due to food items, scratches and others.
- Does not cover items that has been maintained, cleaned or washed incorrectly as per our Care notes.
- Does not cover items that has been repaired or modified by unauthorised third-parties.
- ClearVacuum™ Storage Bag – Electric Pump
- Freshly™ Vacuum Food Storage Container – Electric Pump
- If your item is faulty and still under the guarantee or warranty period, do contact us at [email protected] with your order number, photos or videos to highlight the issue and purchase details (if purchased from a pop-up). We will be glad to assist you at the soonest.
- We support walk-in warranty and guarantee. For deliveries, courier charges may apply.
All products are entitled to a return period of 10-days. The items must be in their original condition and packaging. This usually covers change-of-mind scenarios.
Covers material and workmanship issue. This covers manufacturing defects and ensures the durability of our products.
Our guarantee and warranty period is designed to help you shop with a peace of mind. It also showcases our confidence in our products! However, to prevent abuse, please take note of the following:
- Style Degree will have the final say in all guarantee and warranty related matters
- All guarantee and warranty details may be subjected to changes without prior notice